Deep State: Secret Societies: Skull and Bones, Bohemians, Illuminati
Documentation has existed since at least the 1700s about secret societies formed to control governments. Even now in America, such societies attract rich and connected people.
Secret societies such as the Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones play a major role in American affairs and have for generations; that much is clear and well documented, as we shall show. But most Americans have paid little attention to what happens outside of the media spotlight — until now. In recent months, public perceptions have started to change as the “Deep State” inadvertently exposed itself publicly in its war against America, the Constitution, humanity, and President Donald Trump. And in fact, thanks to hacked e-mails and public statements by members, it is now proven that many of the swamp creatures involved in the occult secret societies of America — another key component of the Deep State behind the Deep State — see Trump and his agenda as a “disaster.” According to at least one insider, that is because Trump is not involved in the secret societies and has not been involved in their rituals.
Amid an unprecedented and highly coordinated campaign to destroy Trump, first as a candidate and later as a president, a fast-growing segment of the American electorate has started realizing that “We The People” have not been getting the full story. As part of that awakening, the concept of a “Deep State” or shadowy “swamp” working behind the scenes has captured the public imagination. The idea is now as “mainstream” as can be: Establishment-media polls show about half of Americans now recognize definitively that the Deep State exists. Trump himself has mentioned it. And even much of the establishment press — a key component of the Deep State — has now grudgingly acknowledged that the Deep State exists, if only to muddy the waters about its true nature. But in this series, The New American magazine aims to connect the dots and reveal the shadowy networks that play such an enormous role in U.S. and global affairs behind the scenes.
It is true that the entrenched, anti-Trump federal bureaucracy, and especially the self-styled “intelligence community,” are crucial elements of the Deep State. But behind that Deep State is another Deep State; the “Deep State behind the Deep State,” if you will, or the ruling establishment. Parts of this network are not quite secret. For example, in our article on this subject, The New American highlighted the enormous role played by the semi-secret but officially acknowledged Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg network, and other such outfits. But beyond those organizations, which operate websites and even release full or partial lists of members, are other organizations that are even more secretive. They remain largely unknown to the American people. But such “secret societies” have been working to spread their lawless doctrines in America since before it was even formally an independent self-governing nation.
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