The Last Word
Deep State’s Relentless Attacks on Trump

Deep State’s Relentless Attacks on Trump

The federal government's long-rumored "Deep State" has been forced into the open by the Trump election, and that's a good thing. ...
Charles Scaliger
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Last December, avowed Trump enemy and ultra-liberal commentator Keith Olbermann, voicing the sentiments of the Washington political establishment, called President-elect Donald Trump a “treacherous Russian whore” and vowed “we will get you.” And as subsequent events have proven, this was no idle threat. Since Trump’s election, a torrent of leaks, lies, and innuendoes — courtesy of the so-called “fake news” outlets — have kept Washington in the thrall of manufactured scandal. Although now in a minority in both houses of Congress and a large majority of state legislatures across the land, radical liberal Democrats are determined to bring the federal government and the entire country to a standstill, by any means necessary, rather than let President Trump and the Republican Party roll back any portion of the Leftist agenda so successfully implemented during the Obama years. Nothing quite like this has ever taken place in American politics before. Never has official Washington been so determined so early to ruin the lives and reputations of so many in a new administration.

The loosely-organized coalition of entrenched interests determined to destroy the new administration to preserve the corrupt status quo in Washington has been dubbed the “Deep State.” Although the term “Deep State” is not a coinage of the Trump era, acknowledgement of it by the Establishment news media dates to about the time when carefully-timed intelligence leaks designed to damage President Trump and thwart his agenda first appeared late last fall. Hinting at sinister collusion between Russian officials and members of the Trump transition team, including the president-elect himself, the leaks, which involved the release of classified information, constituted serious felonies. Unsurprisingly, the persons responsible for these lawless attacks on President Trump have not been identified.

For his part, President Trump has fought back with tweeted allegations, ridiculed by most of official Washington, that Trump Tower was wiretapped during the campaign.

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