The Last Word
Deep State Injustice: Courts And Activists

Deep State Injustice: Courts And Activists

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Deep State Injustice: Courts and Activists

The Deep State coup attempt to remove President Donald Trump through impeachment failed on February 5, when the Senate voted 48-52 to acquit the president on the charge of abuse of power and 47-53 on the charge of obstruction of Congress. Both votes fell far short of the two-thirds needed to convict him and remove him from office. That defeat for the virulent anti-Trumpers, the culmination of a three-year vicious smear campaign, has not given pause to the fanatics: Far-left members of Congress and their backers have announced that they will pursue additional impeachment efforts.

However, impeachment isn’t the only deadly game they’re playing. Those accusing President Trump of obstructing Congress have been carrying on a relentless jihad of obstruction, a multi-pronged effort to obstruct every move by the Trump administration aimed at undoing the socialist, Big Government programs and regulatory strangulation that are killing the American dream and destroying America’s preeminence in science, technology, invention, and innovation. The obstructionists are using their activist allies on the federal bench, comrades within the Department of Justice and the EPA, and throughout the federal bureaucracy to thwart every attempt by Team Trump to make good on its pledge to “drain the swamp.” The current call by the militant Left for Attorney General William Barr’s resignation should be seen in this light. 

On Sunday, February 16, the New York Times (naturally) led off the effort with an article entitled “Former Justice Dept. Lawyers Press for Barr to Step Down.” The Times reported: “More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William P. Barr on Sunday to step down after he intervened … to lower the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr.” Attorney General Barr had determined that the sentencing recommendation of seven to nine years in prison was excessive compared to similar cases. Four of the federal prosecutors who had been involved in prosecuting Stone — including three who had worked for Robert Mueller’s coup effort against Trump — resigned in protest.  

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