Deep State Impeachment Coup
Is impeachment fever spreading? Until very recently, virtually all polls showed that Americans were not succumbing to the contagion, no matter how frantically it was being promoted by Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the rest of the anti-Trump virus-spreading crew. Is the Trump Derangement Syndrome now reaching beyond the hyperventilating bloviators at CNN/MSNBC and the Never Trump neocon Republicans at the Weekly Standard/Washington Examiner and National Review? Various polls claim to show that the Democrats’ current drive for impeaching President Donald Trump is now supported by close to 50 percent of American voters. The Quinnipiac poll released on September 30 showed a 10-point swing in favor of impeachment over its own earlier poll released on September 25.
What has caused the big up-tick in impeachment fever? Well, supposedly, it is outrage toward President Trump over the allegations that the president, during a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, improperly pressured Zelensky to investigate the allegedly corrupt business dealings in Ukraine of Hunter Biden, son of the Democrats’ leading candidate in the 2020 White House race, former Vice President Joe Biden. The allegations against Trump come from an anonymous “whistleblower” at the CIA. As per usual, the uncorroborated “charges” against Trump were breathlessly heralded by the reliable Deep State channels: the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, etc. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff — two of Trump’s fiercest and most devious congressional opponents — were primed to respond. On September 24, Speaker Pelosi announced that she has directed six committees of the House of Representatives to proceed with an “impeachment inquiry.”
The coup plotters are determined to remove Trump from office “by any means necessary.” And they think they have a new smoking gun: “Ukrainegate.” We can be fairly certain, however, that it will again turn out to be more smoke and mirrors than a smoking gun. In fact, that’s what we have so far — smoke and mirrors. When President Trump declassified and released a transcript of his conversation with Zelensky on September 25, it was much like Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Trump’s alleged “Russia collusion” and “obstruction of justice.” You know, the Mueller “smoking gun” that turned out to be a smoking nothingburger, after the Fake News Media — print, web, broadcast, cable — had carpet-bombed us with “Russiagate” saturation coverage for more than two years. From what we’ve seen so far, Ukrainegate will prove to be just as fraudulent and barren as the Pelosi-Schiff-Mueller “investigation.” And as with that big con, where the Democrats and their “progressive” media allies covered up Hillary Clinton’s real collusion with Putin while screaming about faux Trump collusion, the same cast is blathering again about alleged Trump conspiracy in Ukraine, while ignoring the very troubling evidence of Biden-Ukrainian conspiracy.
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