The Last Word
Deep State Generals and the Afghan Debacle
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Deep State Generals and the Afghan Debacle

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Afghanistan has fallen. The “last flight” of Americans out of Kabul International Airport has flown. But our Forever War on the other side of the world is far from over. 

In an August 30 press statement, as that last evacuation flight was leaving, the commander of the U.S. Central Command, Marine Corps General Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, admitted that “hundreds” of Americans were left behind. Despite the repeated affirmations by President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, and other administration spinmeisters that “all” Americans would be evacuated, an unknown number of Americans remains trapped there. According to General McKenzie, “we think that the citizens not brought out number in the low, very low, hundreds.” Given the spectacular intelligence failures, dithering, and systemic lying we have witnessed from the White House, Pentagon, and State Department over every aspect of the August Afghanistan collapse, we can now expect to face continuous national trauma and humiliation as these hundreds of American hostages are hunted down, tortured, and killed — perhaps beheaded on live TV — or are bartered for more American concessions.

Before that happens, heads should roll among the globalist policy elites who are responsible for this debacle, starting with the Oval Office and proceeding through Defense, State, and CIA. Where are the firings? Where are the resignations? Don’t look to the Biden White House, the Blinken State Department, or the Austin Defense Department. In one of the nation’s most critical moments, Joe Biden, in his press conference on the growing crisis in Kabul, presented an embarrassing image of senility and ineptitude, as he tried to exculpate himself from any responsibility for the disaster and place all blame on President Trump. But Joe Biden must take the blame for Afghanistan’s rapid, deadly, and catastrophic descent into chaos and the cruel Taliban rule he has fastened on that nation. 

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