Book Review
Decision Points Abounds in Unanswered Questions

Decision Points Abounds in Unanswered Questions

George W. Bush’s autobiography is ostensibly about how Bush, as President, made difficult decisions, but there is much it glosses over. ...
Jack Kenny
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Decision Points, by George W. Bush, New York: Crown Publishers, 2010, 497 pages, hardcover, $35.00. 

George W. Bush tells us several times in Decision Points how fond he is of humor, but obviously some of his jokes have not gone over well. There is no mention in the former President’s memoir of his “search” under tables and chairs at a White House Correspondents Dinner for those weapons of mass destruction that were never found in Iraq.

Perhaps Bush decided that wasn’t as amusing as his adolescent prank of pouring vodka into a fish bowl, killing his sister’s pet goldfish.

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