Dangerous Climate “Cult” Ignores Science

Dangerous Climate “Cult” Ignores Science

Real science is about learning from replicable studies. Climate-change alarmists follow their feelings. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

MADRID — Numerous scientists and experts have argued that the alarmists peddling hysteria about the man-made global-warming hypothesis are behaving as members of a religious cult while claiming to be acting on the basis of science. Instead of rejecting or revising their earlier dire warnings of climate catastrophe based on the growing body of scientific evidence arguing against their alarmism, they cling to their discredited dogma that environmental doomsday is fast approaching.

For example, according to the alarmist theory, increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by a certain percentage will not simply cause a corresponding increase in temperature — it will cause runaway global warming. That is what the alarmists’ models have forecast, but that is not what has happened. Scientists may debate how much global temperature has increased in recent years (satellite readings show almost no warming since 2000), but it is uncontested that runaway global warming has not occurred as the alarmists predicted. Same for United Nations claims of more hurricanes, more fires, less snow, and so on. Not surprisingly for a cult, this reality has not caused the climate cultists to reconsider their claims. The supposed environmental tipping point, when it will no longer be possible to prevent the impending catastrophe, is always just a few years away.

Back in 1989, the Associated Press reported: “Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environmental Program, or UNEP … said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.” U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was born in 1989. Last year, she warned, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” Oh well, at least she gave humankind two more years than the UNEP’s Brown did 30 years earlier. And perhaps she does not know that before she was born, in the 1970s and even into the early ’80s, “experts” were warning that a man-made global-cooling trend could trigger another ice age.

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