Cussing & Cultural Decay

Cussing & Cultural Decay

While cuss words are in a sense “just words,” the message they send signals anger, violence, hate, incivility, and close-mindedness. Cancel cuss words or see criminality. ...
Selwyn Duke
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

While cuss words are in a sense “just words,” the message they send signals anger, violence, hate, incivility, and close-mindedness. Cancel cuss words or see criminality.

California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton led a “F*** Donald Trump!” chant at California’s Democratic Party convention in Sacramento two months ago. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) peppered her April New York Magazine profile with vulgarity, and DNC Chairman Tom Perez does the same in his stump speeches, having a particular affinity for the s-word meaning leftist policy, or, as some might say, excrement. Talk about a party that’s starting to resemble the bar scene in Star Wars.

Some may chalk this up to the unprecedented hatred for the current president, and that certainly has made this behavior more palatable to many. Yet in reality, it is an inevitable result of our cultural decay.

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