Taking Action
Covid Mandates: Plan or Panic — Your Choice 
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Covid Mandates: Plan or Panic — Your Choice 

William S. Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Alex Jones of InfoWars recently revealed that government insiders told him that the federal government had been preparing to bring back Covid mandates as early as mid-September. We would be foolish to think that government wasn’t already preparing for the next ratcheting down of American society, taking advantage of either planned or natural pandemics. As should be expected, the reaction from many Americans regarding talk of mandates returning has been rather visceral. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds summed it up best when she exclaimed, “Not on my watch!”

Human nature is a bit funny. When we are prepared, we have confidence. When we are not, we tend to panic. Remember the “old days” of the “pandemic”? Misplaced trust and undeserved confidence led many to do whatever the government told them to do. Lock down, mask up, social distance, get tested, get jabbed — once, twice, thrice, booster, booster, booster! Many who lined up like lemmings were, and continue to be, treated like lab rats, as long-term consequences of the shots have yet to fully be realized.

Many died, many are dying, and many will continue to cut their lives short because of government control. Nowhere does the Constitution offer even a smidge of power to the federal government to have that level of control over you.

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