Communist China Infiltrating Everything
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Communist China Infiltrating Everything

Information indicates that not only is China’s communist regime running an influence campaign in America, it is infiltrating organizations worldwide. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It has become popular for conservatives to exclaim, only half jokingly, that “China owns Biden.” And while it may sound funny to the uninformed, the reality is deadly serious. Unfortunately, Biden is just the tip of the iceberg: At all levels, U.S. officials, businesses, and media outlets are being compromised. In fact, whether the mass-murdering regime in Beijing officially owns Biden or not, it “owns” a growing array of assets among Western politicians, companies, technologies, media outlets, and more, a situation that threatens the survival of America as a free nation. 

Even official disclosures reveal an enormous problem, including U.S. politicians being wined and dined by a CCP front. And now, leaked documents, which identify almost two million Communist Chinese Party (CCP) members, have confirmed that even organizations and companies not officially owned by the party are at least packed with members and spies loyal to Beijing. The American media, which would normally be responsible for reporting all this, is being paid off and compromised by Beijing, too, a growing array of documents and evidence reveal. 

The new revelations add urgency to recent warnings from U.S. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe. He noted that Beijing poses the “greatest threat to freedom” since World War II and that the murderous regime was seeking to “dominate the planet economically, militarily and technologically.” U.S. lawmakers are being targeted via bribery and blackmail to do the dictatorship’s bidding, he added. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo echoed those warnings. And of course, many key members of the globalist elite in America have been openly aiding and abetting the rise of the CCP for decades, as this magazine has documented.

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