Communist Attack on Local Police
The most striking feature of every totalitarian state (whether communist, fascist, or Islamist) is the dreaded police-state apparatus, the iron fist that enforces the will of the Party, the State, the dictatorship. Whether called the KGB, Gestapo, SS, DGI, Stasi, or IRGC, the function is the same: to spy on and surveil the people; to enforce conformity of thought, word, and deed; to suppress freedom; to root out and punish even the slightest opposition to the regime; and to spy on, subvert, and wage “soft” war on their foreign adversaries. In our age, it is the communist secret police/intelligence agencies of China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and their allies that present the most terrifying images of the Orwellian police state.
As far back as the 1920s, but especially from the 1960s onward, it became apparent that the Free World police were (and are) a primary target of all communists. Locally controlled sheriff’s and police organizations are condemned by communists as tools of “imperialist oppressors” and upholders of “capitalist, bourgeois society.” They are correctly seen by the communists as a force for stability and ordered liberty, and a bulwark against the type of centralized police state that the communists want. Thus, the global communist conspiracy has carried on a century-long effort to vilify and destroy local police forces everywhere, utilizing for this purpose both its official communist parties as well as innumerable front groups for “police reform” that camouflage the communist orchestration of the subversive operations. As we will see, this is still true today, especially as manifested in the communist influence within the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and its “defund the police/abolish the police” agenda. Whatever the intentions and ideals of the rank-and-file BLM activists may be, the police “reform” demanded by the communist-directed BLM leadership is unquestionably moving the United States toward a truly oppressive, communist-style police state, complete with a nationalized police force.
The BLM-George Floyd riots, which resulted in the torching of our cities in 2020, were the recrudescence of the communist-directed college riots and race riots during the 1960s, and the Rodney King race riots of 1992. The riots that we are experiencing currently are being “scientifically” created using, quite literally, the same riot-making manual used by communists the world over. On June 13, 1961, this manual, along with crucial testimony, was presented to the United States Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security. The testimony was provided by Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., inspector general on the staff of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who testified concerning use of the manual by Communist Party operatives in various countries to train cadres in how to orchestrate mob violence and riots.
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