Book Review
“Clinton Cash” Punches Through Bill and Hillary’s Teflon Armor

“Clinton Cash” Punches Through Bill and Hillary’s Teflon Armor

Clinton Cash — The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, a new book by Peter Schweizer, has punched through the teflon armor of Bill and Hillary Clinton and has stirred up the hornets’ nest of their flacks and sycophants. ...
James Heiser
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In an age when corruption and scandal have become so endemic in the body politic that many citizens are left either jaded or numb, it is difficult to identify a case of corruption which is so heinous that members of the general public are shocked back into a sense of awareness. The revelations of whistleblowers and tell-all books have a hard time competing for the attentions of an ambivalent audience. And when the scandals touch upon the interest of one of the self-proclaimed American dynasties such as the Kennedys, Bushes, or Clintons, the revelations may briefly titillate, but they rarely reshape the attitudes of political partisans who have long since made up their minds regarding the respective dynasties.

When it comes to generating scandals, the Clinton family often appears to be the political equivalent of a perpetual motion machine: All that seems to have changed since the days when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas is that the scale of the scandals has expanded to proportions that might once have seemed inconceivable. Thus, as the next presidential election cycle begins to ramp up, Hillary Clinton has endeavored to dismiss any and all of the questions about her record as a U.S. senator and as secretary of state as "much ado about nothing." From the tragedy of Benghazi to the legal wrangling over her private e-mail server, Clinton has continued to act as if responding to critics is beneath her dignity. It is a dismissive strategy that has worked — until now.

Clinton Cash — The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, a new book by Peter Schweizer, has punched through the teflon armor of Bill and Hillary Clinton and has stirred up the hornets’ nest of their flacks and sycophants. Schweizer is hardly a stranger to the howls of outrage which members of the political class make when someone slams the till closed on their thieving fingers: Several of his previous books (including Extortion, Architects of Ruin, and Throw Them All Out) have earned him a number of powerful enemies inside the Beltway among the ranks of both Democrats and Republicans. However, Clinton Cash exposes a scandal that threatens to overshadow everything that Schweizer has previously documented, and the author clearly understands that Clinton flacks will endeavor to dismiss his work as a partisan attack:

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