Climate Alarmists Go Hysterical as Their Theory Melts Down

Climate Alarmists Go Hysterical as Their Theory Melts Down

Science has been exposing one global-warming falsehood after another. Predictably, the $1 trillion-a-year climate-alarmist industry is screaming. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The year 2016 turned out to be disastrous for the global-warming Doomsday Lobby. This year is shaping up as one that will deliver an even bigger setback — politically, scientifically, economically, and socially — to the forces of climate alarmism. The big political blow last year came, of course, with the election of Donald Trump. His announcement earlier this year of his decision to pull the United States out of the UN’s Paris climate accord sent climate activists across the globe into an apoplectic fury that continues unabated. President Trump’s move on the Paris deal represents not only a tectonic shift from the position of the Obama administration, but the first major political reversal on this issue by an American administration — Republican or Democrat — in the past two-and-a-half decades.

However, while the political implications of the “Trump Effect” continue to dominate public discourse on global warming, there are many additional challenges that have sent the climate alarmists into full-blown panic mode. Because the “mainstream media” have been (and continue to be) so totally “in the tank” on this issue and have done their best to prevent the public from learning about these crucial developments, we will be examining a number of the most important of them in this article. They include the very inconvenient truths:

• “Pause” shock: Contrary to media hype, global temperatures have been stable — “on pause” — for the past 20 years;

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