Faith Family Freedom
Canadian Pastor Decries Trudeau’s Tyranny

Canadian Pastor Decries Trudeau’s Tyranny

Annalisa Pesek
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes his fascist policies to dangerous and violent levels, emboldening provincial police to attack protesters rallying for their rights, peaceful freedom-fighter Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Calgary has become the human pawn the government is using to show all Canadians what happens to those who defy its autocratic authority.  

For his bold, outspoken criticism of the Trudeau regime, accentuated by his thick Eastern European accent, and for his defiance of Alberta’s severe COVID-19 measures in effect in the province since March 2020, Pawlowski has been arrested five times in less than two years.  

The 49-year-old Polish immigrant, who grew up under the brutal oppression of communism and adopted Canada as his home in his early 20s, was most recently detained on February 8 in yet another dramatic takedown by police outside his residence in Calgary. 

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