The Last Word
Brexit: Will Globalists Block Britain’s Escape?

Brexit: Will Globalists Block Britain’s Escape?

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The historic “Brexit” referendum (British exit from the European Union) on June 23 was a crucial shot across the bow of the increasingly tyrannical and corrupt EU superstate. In spite of the threats of economic doom, in spite of the scaremongering claims of “Project Fear” that leaving the EU would have a cataclysmic effect on British jobs, pensions, investment, healthcare, security, etc., British voters opted for the “Leave” (Brexit) side 52 to 48 percent. Undoubtedly, the Leave vs. Remain margin would have been even more dramatic if not for the assassination of Jo Cox, a pro-Remain member of Parliament, whose brutal murder just days before the vote was shamelessly exploited by the Remain side and blamed on the “tone” set by the Brexit advocates.

The Leave side also would likely have racked up a still greater vote majority if the EU superstate elitists in Brussels had not carefully hidden their plans for grabbing even more sovereign powers from their member states. Some of those plans have now leaked out, only a few days after the Brexit vote.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande, and Italian Premier Matteo Renzi, meeting with EU President Donald Tusk in Berlin on June 27, the Monday after the Brexit vote, issued a joint statement urging British Prime Minister David Cameron to get on with invoking Article 50 of the EU Lisbon Treaty to initiate the “divorce” proceedings. That would start a two-year process of negotiating the terms of the new relationship between the U.K. and the EU. Britain’s Daily Mail reported on that same day that Merkel, in a conference call with leaders of her Christian Democratic Union party, said that “the EU needs to stop other countries following Britain out of the door amid market fears that the bloc is ‘no longer governable’ after Brexit.” She also is reported to have said that now is not the time for the EU to pursue “deepening” of Brussels’ control over more areas of national sovereignty.

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