Food Crisis
Bill Gates, Davos Elites Pushing Global Food Control
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Bill Gates, Davos Elites Pushing Global Food Control

The same globalists who support and promote the tyrannical Covid agenda are also driving the world toward a global food crisis and famine. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The recent dramatic increase in food prices, together with food shortages, points to a looming food crisis, and even the prospect of famine. In certain parts of the world, famine is not merely a prospective future to be feared but a present reality that is being experienced now. 

In Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi, Eritrea, and other countries, millions of people are experiencing food shortages and risk dying of starvation. This comes on the heels of the Covid-19 pandemic and, in fact, it turns out that much of the food crisis and starvation is the result of government policy responses to the virus. The famine death spiral is being hastened by Covid lockdowns and mandates that have disrupted planting and harvesting cycles, destroyed crops and livestock herds, bankrupted crucial businesses, and crippled supply chains.

The 2020 global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic profoundly changed human society throughout the world. Political leaders and bureaucrats, aided by the media, have used — and continue to use — fear of a virus from Communist China to push our entire planet into a regimentation that has set us marching toward a totalitarian future. Constitutional and traditional restraints on government powers have been swept aside by government edicts claiming to be based on “public safety and health” imperatives to protect us against an “existential threat” — from a virus that has proven thus far to be no more deadly than the common flu. In fact, as many studies have shown, and as we have reported, many more people have died from the government-prescribed “cures” than have succumbed to the virus itself. And the recent relenting by various governments on their draconian mandates (as welcome as those are) have not returned us to the status quo ante; they have merely given us a breather until the next fear campaign for which they decide to impose a new wave of controls, supposedly to protect us against a dangerous new “variant.”

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