The Last Word
Bilderberg? What Bilderberg?

Bilderberg? What Bilderberg?

“Just look at the IMF, in Washington. It’s supposed to be independent; effectively it has become the brand of the European Commission." ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Last November, Brexit leader Nigel Farage caused a bit of a stir with several statements concerning the Bilderberg Group and the dangers to representative government when super-wealthy insiders get together in secret with government officials.

The Daily Express reported that in Bilderberg: The Movie, a documentary about the organ-ization, Farage speaks “about a possible conspiracy backed by EU leaders to bring down the nation-state. Speaking in an interview, Mr Farage insists he ‘tries very hard not to believe in conspiracy theories,’ but ‘I can see there is a move towards supranationalism.’”

The Express article goes on to quote Farage: “Just look at the IMF, in Washington. It’s supposed to be independent; effectively it has become the brand of the European Commission…. I have got to know over the years, that the Van Rompuys, the Schulzes, the Barrosos, even the Junckers, the Timmermans, and it’s completely clear. They actually want to destroy the nation-state as a unit. A few years ago, the Greek Prime Minister said ‘I’ll give you a referendum.’ He was removed and replaced by a former Goldman Sachs director. Whenever the project goes wrong, whether it’s the Euro has a crisis, or the asylum crisis with the borders, every single time, there is for these guys an opportunity. It is known as ‘the beneficial crisis.’”

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