The Last Word
Bilderberg Discusses Threats to Its Globalist Agenda

Bilderberg Discusses Threats to Its Globalist Agenda

Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The annual Bilderberg meeting, which happened in early June in Turin, Italy, brought together key Deep State actors and potential useful idiots from across North America and Western Europe to discuss threats to their own agenda and power. Among the many topics of discussion, the glob­alist insiders and collaborators focused on growing populist movements in Europe and what the network described in a press release as the “post-truth” world — presumably a reference to the fact that their propaganda organs are no longer able to control the narrative. Indeed, it may be too late to save their globalist agenda.

As in most years, more than 130 insiders in business, government, military, foundations, banking, central banking, royalty, academia, technology, journalism, intelligence, etc., attended the 2018 secret meeting. A top Catholic official, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, was there this year as an emissary of left-wing Pope Francis, a fervent supporter of globalism and environmentalism. Also in attendance were senior leaders of international institutions such as NATO and the United Nations. Democrat Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper was there as well. Multiple prime ministers attended, too.

Aside from populism and the “post-truth” world, subjects listed on Bilderberg’s website include the “inequality challenge,” the “future of work,” artificial intelligence, the United States before the midterm elections, free trade (which for globalists means undermining sovereignty using transnational governance), U.S. world leadership, Russia, quantum computing, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and “current events.” How closely the actual agenda conformed to what was announced publicly was not clear.

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