Bilderberg and the Global Deep State

Bilderberg and the Global Deep State

The annual gathering of elites signals foreboding plans for a global economy, surveillance, AI, censorship — and more. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Shhhhh! Don’t mention that! You’ll be called a “conspiracy theorist.” Or a “tinfoil-hat wacko.”

So it went that another meeting of the annual Bilderberg Group passed this year virtually unreported. Virtually, we say, because the relatively few media reports that did appear regarding the super-secret, super-elite affair were clearly crafted to reinforce the “mainstream” media narrative that “there’s nothing to see here, move along.”

Thus, during the last week of May and the first week of June the world was treated to a brief barrage of empty “news” stories as around 130 attendees of the 67th annual confab of the Bilderberg Group gathered in Montreux, Switzerland, May 30-June 2. As per usual, the “watchdogs” of the press turned into Bilderberg lapdogs. The same media gumshoes and commentators who have been prattling hysterically and non-stop for the past two-and-a-half years about alleged “collusion” and “conspiracy” between President Trump and Vladimir Putin, based on a “dossier” compiled by agents for Hillary Clinton, pretended not to see a thing wrong with representatives of Big Government — top-level politicians, Cabinet officials, military leaders, and intelligence officials — meeting in secret, behind a cordon of police and armed guards, with the global titans of Big Business, Big Banking, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Labor, Big Foundations, and Big Media.

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