Border Patrol
Biden’s Broken Border
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The Biden administration is effectively refusing to enforce U.S. immigration laws, and the resulting situation at our southern border is nothing short of catastrophic.

Biden’s Broken Border

William P. Hoar
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

There was a time, not that long ago, when it paid political dividends for both Republicans and Democrats to love a wall — or at least to advocate for the building of a “fence” on the nation’s southern border.

For instance, take a guess about the identity of this apparent U.S. hardliner, discoursing on the need to counter spiraling illegal immigration:

It makes sense that no great nation can be in a position where they can’t control their borders. It matters how you control your borders ... not just for immigration, but for drugs, terror, a whole range of other things.... I have been arguing for more protection at the borders.... You have to have a significant increase in security at the border, including limited elements where you actually have a fence. 

Pretty tough chauvinist, eh? Of course, being a politician, he did equivocate a bit — dealing with the fencing by hedging — saying he was not for “a fence that runs for 3,000 miles like some folks are talking about, but there are certain places — you can go over and under a fence, but you can’t take 100 kilos of cocaine over and under a fence. And, when you have limited places where fences are in populated areas, you force these drug dealers and others around, making it easier to apprehend.”

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