Transportation Security Administration
Back to the Abyss

Back to the Abyss

The Revolutionary War was fought to escape abuses perpetrated on a whim by government. TSA actions show that government fancies reign again. ...
Becky Akers
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Throughout history and around the world, suppliants have groveled to potentates for the most basic of rights and common decency. Whether it was Queen Esther beseeching King Ahasuerus not to murder an entire people or commoners in Rome hankering to wear purple, subjects have always endured atrocities and degradation from their rulers.

Then came the American Revolution. Men slogged their way out of slavery’s abyss to stand gloriously upright and proud. They determined to live free of government, of its insults and whims, its permits, bloodsucking, and torture. And they codified this resolution in the Constitution. No longer would they beg for their rights, nor for common decency.

Alas, we’ve tumbled from that shining mountaintop back into the abyss. And nowhere is our fall more dramatic than at the airport, thanks to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

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