The Last Word
Are You Awakened — or Woke?

Are You Awakened — or Woke?

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

There is a world of difference between being awake and being woke. There is a Great Awakening rolling across our land. Americans, in the tens of millions, are realizing as never before that we are being systematically stripped of our God-given rights, and that it is time to get involved in the fight for liberty. 

Your editor experienced a small example of this awakening last August in Bonners Ferry, a rural town near the Canadian border in Idaho’s panhandle, where I was to be a featured speaker. When my turn came to speak, I couldn’t help remarking that the federal BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is burning our countryside up while the revolutionary BLM (Black Lives Matter) is burning our cities down. The humor was not lost on the audience, which understood well the truth of the statement. At the time, Black Lives Matter rioting had set fire to Portland and Seattle, and the smoke from that urban conflagration had merged with the smoke from the rural wildfires that have become regular and increasingly hazardous conflagrations, thanks to the policies of the Bureau of Land Management and its sister agencies. 

The event was a barbecue dinner sponsored by the local chapter of The John Birch Society. More than 300 people showed up for the beef tri-tip provided by longtime JBS member and rancher Bob Vickaryous. Joining me at the podium were two of the nation’s premier pro-liberty state legislators, Representative Matt Shea of Washington and Representative Heather Scott of Idaho. Following our speeches, the Society’s regional director, Caleb Collier, delivered a moving exhortation and “altar call.” Reminding the audience of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence who pledged “our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor,” he cited the cases of several of the signers who did indeed sacrifice their lives and their fortunes in the cause of liberty, but none betrayed their sacred honor. 

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