Are Globalist Goals Good?
Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, says life will change for the better because of COVID-19. She told the Hindustan Times,
Sometimes out of a crisis comes something beautiful. I look back at some of the wars and you think about what was rebuilt after the war to maintain peace and stability around the globe. Look at the World Health Organization that was formed to make sure that we have information about health and share that around the globe. I think we will have to build new institutions. We’ll have to do more to protect everybody and the vulnerable.
There are signs that people want something different. They already wanted something different before the pandemic. And I think the pandemic has exposed the cracks in all of our societies, the gaps and the people we don’t take care of, and now it’s in our face. Women’s unpaid work; no one can turn away from that. It’s in our home every single day, women taking care of the children or taking care of the elderly during the pandemic. I think there are ways that we will be able to build back and build back in a better way.
Americans are constantly told that Big Government is for our own good. It will aid the poor, the sick, the elderly, the young, and more. It will even fix all environmental ills, including global warming. Now efforts are far under way to move the world to global socialism, with promises being made by globalists to accomplish the same humane and environmental goals at the global level. (See article on page 10.)
Let us assume that globalists are well-meaning and actually do follow through on some of their stated objectives, and then let’s determine whether their plans would actually lead to increased well-being and wealth for the world’s common man and betterment of the environment.
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