The Last Word
Are COVID-19 Deaths Better Than Tyranny?

Are COVID-19 Deaths Better Than Tyranny?

Selwyn Duke
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Are COVID-19 Deaths Better Than Tyranny? 

We’ve heard much during the Wuhan virus crisis about a “worst-case scenario” of two million dead Americans, a staggering number. But missing from the national conversation is something equally important: What’s the worst-case scenario given our present course of action, largely locking down the country and freezing life like an insect stuck in amber?

What if worse coming to worst means a great depression, descent into tyranny, millions more dead from other causes, and a permanently impoverished nation?

Almost the entire virus debate has centered around whether the experts are correct about the infectivity and virulence of the disease and in their projections (which have often been drastically wrong). But even if we assume that the experts having the government’s ear — and there are dissenters who don’t — are absolutely inerrant in their expressed judgments, there’s a problem with just “listening to the health professionals’” prescriptions: Like most everyone else, these individuals have only a narrow range of expertise; they are epidemiologists, virologists, infectious disease specialists, etc.

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