Civil Unrest
ANTIFA What We Need to Know
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ANTIFA What We Need to Know

Antifa members are generally young, white militants who have bought into the promises of socialistic utopia, and  are willing to use violence to achieve it. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

As we write (late August 2020), mobs led by Antifa continue wreaking havoc not only across the United States, but throughout Europe, Australia, and Latin America as well. An in-depth report on the international communist/anarchist networks linking the worldwide Antifa “phenomenon” is a subject beyond the scope of this briefing, which focuses on Antifa in the United States.

ANTIFA — Initial Takeaways

  • On May 31, 2020, President Donald Trump tweeted that soon Antifa would be designated a “terrorist organization” — and rightfully so.
  • U.S. Attorney General William Barr has accurately referred to Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) as “revolutionary” groups, stating further: “They’re essentially Bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic.”
  • A.G. Barr notes that Antifa-BLM agitators use anti-police sentiment and race issues to promote “some form of socialism, communism,” and he has condemned the Antifa-BLM tactic of using demonstrators as human shields to “provoke violence” and engage in “urban guerilla warfare.”
  • After defending Antifa’s crime for months, even Ted Wheeler, the far-left mayor of Portland, Oregon, finally condemned Antifa rioters after their vicious arson of a police station on August 6, 2020, trapping dozens of people inside. Wheeler accused the Antifa arsonists of “attempting to commit murder,” and police officers said the rioters told the police they were there to kill them.
  • Contrary to the “peaceful demonstrators” narrative, Antifa has been engaged in criminal, violent, destructive, seditious, and terroristic actions for the past several years, as thousands of arrests and hundreds of videos document beyond question.
  • Antifa leaders and activists openly and defiantly identify as Marxists-Leninists and Maoists, with some even calling themselves Red Guards, after Mao Tse-tung’s mass-murdering communist youth gangs in China.
  • Antifa leaders and activists (on their websites and at their demonstrations) prominently display quotations and images of communist leaders Mao, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Karl Marx, along with communist symbols such as the hammer and sickle, clenched fist, and red star.
  • Antifa is closely linked to the Revolutionary Communist Party, the Workers World Party, and other revolutionary communist groups allied with Communist China.
  • In addition to declaring war on capitalism, the police, and America in general, Antifa cadres have called for assassinating President Trump and killing police officers, while carrying out violent attacks on the police.
  • American Antifa cadres and their communist party comrades have worked and trained with “foreign actors,” including ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists, and German and Italian Antifa communists.
  • The media, Democratic politicians, and left-wing academics, notwithstanding all of the above (and more), continue to portray Antifa sympathetically, even heroically, justifying their violence as a righteous reaction to “right-wing” fascism and racism.

In the remainder of this report, we will be expanding upon the points listed above. Since so-called Antifa groups burst full-blown onto the political scene four years ago, they have been escalating their violent, revolutionary acts throughout the United States. Antifa-led riots, arson, vandalism, destruction of statues and monuments, and violent assaults on people (Trump supporters, MAGA hat wearers, law-enforcement officers, conservative college speakers, Republicans — anyone who gets in their way or opposes their violent ideology) have been growing in frequency and ferocity.

The 2016 presidential election provided the stage that introduced most Americans to Antifa, as the masked, black-clad revolutionary network led violent anti-Trump “demonstrations” in dozens of cities across the United States. Antifa thugs rioted and disrupted President Trump’s 2017 inauguration and violently attacked people who were attending the event. That was repeated with mob attacks on the Republican National Convention in August of 2020. While claiming to be “antifascist,” Antifa radicals engage in precisely the same type of bullying, intimidation, and terrorizing employed by the fascist Black Shirts of Mussolini and Brownshirts of Hitler to neutralize their opposition. 

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