The Last Word
Another War, Another Reason to Get US Out!

Another War, Another Reason to Get US Out!

John F. McManus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A few days prior to the assault on Libya by coalition forces, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates strongly cautioned against imposing a “no fly zone” on that troubled nation because doing so would constitute going to war against Libya. He said a “no fly zone” he would mean attacking airfields, fuel dumps, and whatever else might be needed to keep Moammar Gadhafi from using his air force. And this, he asserted, adds up to war.

Caution seemed to prevail after the Defense Secretary registered his opinion. But the UN Security Council then issued Resolution 1973 on March 17 calling on “Member States” to impose the “no fly zone” over Libya and to employ “all necessary measures” to have it succeed. Air strikes by the United States and European nations, and missiles from American ships, immediately targeted both Libyan military structures and Gadhafi’s forces heading eastward to beat back the remaining rebel enclaves.

The Obama administration won’t call this a war, and neither will Secretary Gates, but that’s what it is. Once again, the U.S. has sent forces into war without the Constitution’s required congressional declaration. How our nation got to this point is instructive if we’re ever going to reverse course and cease being the policeman of the world.

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