Book Review
Ann Bids Bye-bye to America

Ann Bids Bye-bye to America

Ann Coulter presents the case in her new book, ¡Adios, America!, that massive illegal immigration represents a threat to the fabric of the country as a whole. ...
Steve Byas
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

¡Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole, by Ann Coulter, Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2015, 400 pages, hardcover.

Ann Coulter cares little for political correctness, and her sharp tongue generates enemies at both ends of the political spectrum. To many constitutional conservatives, for example, her foreign policy views are too aligned with the neoconservatives who led the United States into the Iraq mess under President Bush.

Writing in May, Coulter still defended the decision to go into Iraq: “There were lots of reasons to get rid of Saddam Hus­sein and none to keep him.” However, that’s highly debatable. One reason to “keep him” is that while Hussein was certainly a brutal dictator, at least Iraqi Christians fared better under his rule than they do now.

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