The Last Word
America Is Not Gomorrah
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America Is Not Gomorrah

Gary Benoit
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

There is no question that America is “Slouching Towards Gomorrah,” to borrow the title of a best-selling book by the late U.S. Circuit Court Judge Robert Bork. Nor is there any question that the cultural decline Bork warned against has been many decades in the making. The deteriorating culture was already a major concern when Bork’s book was published in 1996; it is worse today.

But has the cultural cancer metastasized to the point where America can no longer be saved?

This magazine is predicated on the belief “That Freedom Shall Not Perish,” our tagline that appears on the front cover of every print edition, including this one. Nothing has happened to cause us to back away from that purpose one iota. Yet a traditionalist who knows nothing about America except how it is portrayed by the cultural subverters who now largely control the nation’s cultural organs — the media, education, entertainment — could be forgiven for becoming completely demoralized and saying otherwise.

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