Alt-Right & Agents Provocateurs

Alt-Right & Agents Provocateurs

Since government and media cannot credibly call conservatives racists without some evidence of wrongdoing, left-wingers are gathering real racists to commit vile acts. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The political tremors from the deadly confrontation in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12 continue to reverberate. The violent clash between neo-Nazis/white nationalists on one side with masked Antifa thugs and Black Lives Matter activists on the other — along with their respective allies — was guaranteed to be ugly. And ugly it was, deadly and very ugly. It culminated in the death of demonstrator Heather Heyer. The victors in that scripted skirmish are the extremists on both sides who are determined to rip America apart — as well as the media and political elites who are doing everything possible to fan the flames of racial hatred and turmoil.

The virulent Trump haters couldn’t have asked for a better-staged event to reinforce their narrative of President Trump as Hitler reincarnated: The Ku Klux Klan came swaddled in their white robes and hoods; the neo-Nazis appeared bearing swastika flags, armed with shields and clubs; the “white nationalists” were festooned with Confederate flags, hijacking that symbol of Southern heritage and commingling it with the fascist icons and rhetoric of the militant racists. Former KKK leader David Duke put in an appearance, but he was relegated to a cameo role (as an “elder statesman” of sorts), while the limelight was commandeered by a younger generation of “nationalist” and “racial identity” leaders whose names are barely known to most Americans, even though in the pantheon of the “alt-Right” (Alternative Right) some of them have achieved demigod status: Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, Jason Kessler, Tim Gionet (aka Baked Alaska), Mike Peinovich (aka Mike Enoch), Matt Heimbach, and Andrew Anglin.

The above-mentioned leaders and celebrities of the alt-Right, along with a motley assortment of knuckle draggers from the National Socialist Movement, the Ku Klux Klan, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, and other groups that are virulently racist and/or openly neo-Nazi, came together at the much-publicized “Unite the Right” rally on August 12. The gathering would more accurately have been called “Blight the Right,” since the organizations and individuals involved in no way represent the Republican Party, Tea Party groups, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, pro-lifers, or any other segment of the authentic “Right.” In fact, they are a blight whose primary purpose — if not sole purpose — appears to be to help the establishment media smear and discredit the Right, and to validate Hillary Clinton’s charge that Trump supporters (that is, those who voted against her) are “a basket of deplorables.” The alt-Right, at least as represented in Charlottesville, provided the precise optics needed by the Fake News media not only to boost its relentless anti-Trump campaign, but also to associate legitimate concerns about illegal immigration with xenophobia, and efforts to retain Confederate symbols and Southern heritage with racism. They also served to boost the image of the communist-directed Antifa mobs as heroic opponents of fascism and bigotry. As we have reported previously, Harvard Professor Cornel West, a veteran promoter of the Revolutionary Communist Party, claimed that he and other “non-violent” counter-protesters were “saved” from the neo-Nazis by the masked Antifa thugs. West’s glowing Antifa endorsement has been picked up and repeated in countless media stories.

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