Already Excessive, Taxing & Spending Threaten to Go Over the Top
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Already Excessive, Taxing & Spending Threaten to Go Over the Top

If prosperity is the goal, government spending must be reduced. Biden and “progressive” Democrats would move us more quickly in the opposite direction — toward serfdom. ...
William P. Hoar
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Joe Biden has been called many things, especially in recent years, but there’s one label that doesn’t fit: He is not a cheap politician. Not by a long shot, even one launched by a Javelin missile. After all, the president and his intemperate White House team have, after giving it a great deal of consideration, come up with a plan to spend a dumbfounding $73 trillion over the next decade. Of course, this money isn’t to be ripped from his pocket: It belongs to the taxpayers who earn it. But it is an impressive 66-percent increase over the previous 10 years. 

Highway robbery takes place in a more genteel fashion these days: A goodly chunk of it occurs by siccing teams of pillaging bureaucratic taxmen on the populace, now set to be filched to the tune of $58 trillion — representing an 80-percent increase in taxation over the previous decade. This doesn’t count the time sucked up: Americans spent an estimated 6.5 billion hours this year trying to file their taxes.

But even all that ransacking doesn’t cover the total price tag for these unbounded spending notions. Thus, we and our children and grandchildren are in line to get stuck with $16 trillion in new public debt, thanks to the $1 trillion-plus deficits devised annually for the next 10 years.

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