Afghanistan One Year Later
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One year after the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, more information sheds light on the Biden administration’s utter incompetence and refusal to follow the advice of top military officials.

Afghanistan One Year Later

R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A year down the road from the administration’s disastrous pullout from the equally disastrous — and costly — 20-year war in Afghanistan, we now have a more complete picture of just how President Joe Biden and his top policymakers knowingly and purposely arranged a major failure. 

That truth is in an interim report on the withdrawal from the GOP side of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. It is unsparing. It is eye-opening. It isn't surprising.

It is an indictment not just of a mentally deteriorating president, but of his Deep State subalterns whose main claim to governance and justification to unseat POTUS 45 Donald Trump was that “the adults are back in charge.”

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