Book Review
A Trilogy of Truth

A Trilogy of Truth

Three new books from former John Birch Society CEO Arthur R. Thompson expose the UN’s agenda against the United States and the American way of life. ...
James Murphy
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In these days of politicians more concerned with getting screen time than honoring their oath of office to the Constitution, celebrities who believe that they’ve become so important that they need to foist their political and cultural views upon the rest of us, and a mainstream media more concerned with running interference for whichever political party with which they align themselves, it’s hard to know whom to trust — or whom to believe.

Arthur R. Thompson is one of those people you can trust. Now in his 80s, Thompson has lived a full and varied life. Educated at the University of Washington, the Washington State Military Academy, and business-related institutions, Thompson has seen much of what the world has to offer — and much of what it threatens to become should certain people ever gain the complete control they so earnestly crave.

Book Review Arthur R. Thompson John Birch Society UN's Agenda against American way of life
Arthur R. Thompson

As a successful businessman, Thompson has traveled extensively and was even in Berlin when the famous Berlin Wall came tumbling down. He realized, even then, that just because this dreaded manifestation of communist tyranny had been removed, it did not mean that the totalitarian “ism” that built that wall would simply fade away. Communists —those who espouse a brutal, anti-freedom, and anti-American way of life — would need to hide in the shadows for a bit to retool and reinvigorate their plans for world socialism.

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