Book Review
A Senator Stands Up to Socialism

A Senator Stands Up to Socialism

It’s said that people who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it. Senator Rand Paul has written a book to remind people of the historical promises and failures of socialism.  ...
John Larabell
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Case Against Socialism, by Rand Paul, New York: Harper Collins, 2019, 354 pages, hardcover.

Rather than write a book detailing lofty plans to make America a better country via conservatism, a book lamenting the lack of decency and good old-fashioned values in our modern culture, or a feel-good volume talking about dreams and all the good things that unite us (not that there’s anything wrong with such books), Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) did something perhaps more necessary and timely given our current political situation: He wrote a book attacking socialism.

Great books mounting an intellectual case against socialism have come from the minds of academics such as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman, but these, for the most part, were not really written for the “man on the street.” The fact that a well-known U.S. senator has written a book against socialism aimed at a popular audience is exciting. And Senator Paul’s book certainly is accessible; it’s easy to read but still filled with plenty of good information to make the case against that dangerous ideology that continues to capture the imaginations of Americans, especially the youth.  

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