A Pathologist Speaks Out
Dr. Ryan Cole (right) with Paul Dragu

A Pathologist Speaks Out

Dr. Ryan Cole describes what he has observed to cause him to warn against the Covid injections, and also discusses how the vaccine-injured can mitigate the damage. ...
Paul Dragu
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Dr. Ryan Cole was perhaps the first pathologist in America to sound the alarm on the immunosuppressive qualities of Covid injections. Despite threats to his medical license, censorship, and smear attacks, the Idaho-based physician has stayed true to his conscience and professional ethics. Dr. Cole was a keynote speaker at The John Birch Society’s annual leadership conference that took place in Des Moines, Iowa, on September 8-9, where he was interviewed by Paul Dragu, communications director for The John Birch Society and host of The New American Daily. Below is a transcript of the interview, in which the doctor covers the various adverse effects Covid injections are having on people and gives advice on how to mitigate the damage. The video interview titled “I Took the Shot and Regret It. Now What?” is available at Presently, Dr. Cole is embroiled in a legal battle for his medical license with the Washington Medical Commission. The charges against Cole are not backed by a single patient complaint, but stem from his vocal criticism of Covid injections and advocacy for treatments such as ivermectin.  

The New American: You’ve been looking at the data. What long-term effect are Covid shots having on people? What do you see?

Dr. Ryan Cole: Well, thanks for having the prescience of calling them shots or injections. They’re not vaccines. They’re gene-based injections. And of course, governments around the world, including our own CDC, changed the definition of the word conveniently so that they could play a confidence game with the American people to get them to submit to the injections. There’s the problem with the long term. [These shots] get a deadly protein in our body with a little chemical that’s in what we call an adjuvant or an irritant to wake up the immune system, be it a fragment of whatever pathogen or traditional vaccines, most people, that’s what we had when we were kids, or if you get a tetanus shot, you’re getting a tetanus toxoid or things like that. Here, we’re injecting a gene. We don’t know the long-term effects of this gene, and unfortunately, the gene that was chosen is the most toxic part of the Covid-19 infection, the spike protein. So, this gene codes for a toxic protein. Big mistake. [Here is something of] what we’re finding. There’s a paper that just came out a few weeks ago out of Europe by [Dr. Carlo] Brogna and colleagues that showed that the spike protein from the injections in half of the patients studied was still present six months later [after the injection]. So not only is it a persistent synthetic mRNA that, we know from studies out of Stanford and Dr. [Katarina] Röldgen, was staying in the body for months on end. We also know that the protein is sticking around for months on end. OK, that’s the setup. 

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