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80 Years of Smears

80 Years of Smears

The confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh were embarrassing spectacles, with repeated lies by liberals, but don’t expect that smear to be the last one. ...
R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The tendentious headlines over Jennifer Weiner’s op-ed in the New York Times obviated further reading: “How Do I Explain Justice Kavanaugh to My Daughters? The spectacle of this confirmation has reminded us that to many people, women’s suffering is a joke.”

Of course, the confirmation hearings for Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh provided no proof that a woman ever suffered anything at his hands, despite the myriad allegations, and now that the feculent affair is past, it’s time for an honest review. Weiner’s hysterical howl is a good place start.

It was a furious rant from an angry woman who, unlike Salome, is upset she didn’t get the man’s head on a dish:

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