7 Reasons Why Trade Promotion Authority/Fast Track Must Be Defeated

7 Reasons Why Trade Promotion Authority/Fast Track Must Be Defeated

Giving the president “Fast Track” authority would be a dangerous abdication of congressional responsibility and open the door for unconstitutional trade agreements. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In our companion article “10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose the TPP and TTIP,” we detail some of the most extreme dangers presented by President Obama’s two mammoth pseudo-free trade agreements, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). On May 22, the U.S. Senate approved Trade Promotion Authority legislation (TPA, also known as Fast Track), which greases the skids for passage of TPP/TTIP. Now the fight over TPA has moved to the House of Representatives. There are many reasons why Americans should demand that their congressmen vote against this legislation; we provide seven of them below.

1: TPA is essential to passage of the very dangerous TPP and TTIP.

Regarding the massive pacts the administration has been secretly hammering together with the Asia-Pacific region and the European Union, President Obama’s Trade Representative Michael Froman told the Senate Finance Committee in 2013: “None of this can happen without Trade Promotion Authority.” Similarly, President Obama, in remarks to the President’s Export Council, which includes top corporate execs, Cabinet officials, and members of Congress, said, “We’re going to need Trade Promotion Authority.”

Analysts on both sides of the issue agree that passage of TPA is critical for passage of TPP and TTIP, and, conversely, that defeating TPA is crucial for defeating these “ObamaTrade” pacts. TPA is the enabler that has made possible virtually every so-called trade agreement of the past several decades. So, if the TPP/TTIP truly represents the existential threat we detail in the accompanying “10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose the TPP and TTIP,” then it follows that all Americans committed to preserving our national sovereignty and independence should oppose TPA, since, if passed, it would all but guarantee subsequent passage of the TPP & TTIP.

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