Bill Gates: Philanthropist or Scoundrel?

Bill Gates: Philanthropist or Scoundrel?

It is undeniable that Bill Gates gives lots of his own money to causes around the world, causing many to dub him a philanthropist. But his causes and motives are questionable. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It is undeniable that Bill Gates gives lots of his own money to causes around the world, causing many to dub him a philanthropist. But his causes and motives are questionable.

He has already subjected America’s children to educational quackery as the main sponsor of Common Core, and he has gathered more data on you and every American than you could imagine. Now, as this article will show, one of the world’s leading population-control zealots wants to inject you, your whole family, and every single person on the entire planet with an as-yet undeveloped and untested vaccine — supposedly to protect against coronavirus. Then he wants to track you using technology that sounds like it comes out of a science fiction movie. And unless and until everybody on Earth submits to his vaccination demands, the technocratic globalist has declared repeatedly, society cannot and will not return to normal. That man, of course, is Microsoft founder Bill Gates — perhaps one of the most controversial people in the world right now, despite media adulation.

With all Gates’ connections, media appearances, and demands, one might be forgiven for thinking that he was emperor of the world. And if humanity is not careful, the agenda Gates represents may well succeed — potentially in the near term. That means liberty, health freedom, the family, self-government, much of the population, and the economy are in mortal danger.

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