California’s New Sex-ed Regime Is Worse Than You Can Imagine
California schools plan to teach aberrant sex practices and sexual-identity confusion at school — normalizing mental illness and perverse, immoral, and dangerous sex practices.
LOS ANGELES — Over one in four California children ages 12 through 17 now identifies as “gender non-conforming,” according to a recent study by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In other words, more than a fourth of the state’s boys do not accept the fact that they are male, and similar numbers of girls refuse to accept being female. But if policymakers in the Golden State get their way, this is only the beginning of another revolution that will make the “Sexual Revolution” seem tame by comparison. And they are getting their way — and then some.
In early May, the state’s Board of Education approved a new “Health Education Framework” for kindergarten through 12th grade that should shock even the most liberal and “progressive” parents. From teaching children that there are infinite genders, to how-to manuals on sexual perversions so dangerous and obscene they cannot be described here, there seem to be no moral boundaries or taboos that are not being deliberately broken.
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