Government Schools Are Sexualizing, Perverting, and Confusing Children
At Chasco Middle School in Land O’Lakes, Florida, a typical public school like any other, boys were changing for PE class last year just like they always do. But this time was different. Suddenly, a girl appeared and “caught them with their pants down — literally,” as the Christian legal aid group Liberty Counsel put it. Some of the boys ran to get their teacher. But incredibly, there was nothing he could do. In fact, faced with a gag order from school officials, he could not even say anything about it. Welcome to government schools in 2019 America.
As if the story could not get any weirder, school officials ordered the teacher to be in the boys’ locker room while the girl was changing and could have been showering. Obviously, he refused, saying he could not knowingly place himself in a position where he would “observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress.” In saner places, grown men are arrested and jailed for trying to watch underage girls change or shower. But in 2019 government schools in America, they can be ordered to do it.
When the teacher refused, his life was turned upside down as school officials conspired to destroy him. Office for Employee Relations Director Kathleen Anne Scalise, for instance, said in an e-mail that firing the PE teacher “sends a message that we will not tolerate his behavior.” The school district’s lawyer, meanwhile, threatened the teacher, saying the decision “might cost you your job.” Even more serious, “your teacher certificate might be taken from you, to where you can no longer teach,” the official said.
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