The Last Word
Requiem for America?

Requiem for America?

When Ben Franklin was asked what sort of government the new nation was to have, he replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Well, 200 years later, we have failed to “keep it.” If we fail to rebuild it, we will reap the whirlwind. ...
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

I remember my father, of blessed memory, way back in 1968, predicting the demise of America as a free Republic. Like me, he was a practicing Jew. His rationale was expressed by stating: “America must fall because it is becoming a G-dless nation where everyone is right and nobody is wrong.”

Have we lost all morality, all sense of the sacred? Many indicators scream “Yes!”: More than 60 million babies murdered through abortion; rampant pornography; transgender bathrooms; and endless, bizarre debates about LGBTQIA-plus “rights”; etc. The midterm elections put open Marxists in Congress. Even more distressing is that when the Marxists were defeated in the most historically conservative areas, such as Texas and Georgia, it was by razor-thin margins.

Too many Americans are so dumbed down they would not know the Constitution if it was shoved in their faces. Come to think of it, most Americans have probably never read America’s founding documents, and certainly have never read The Federalist Papers. In fact, thanks to our miseducation indoctrination system, very few can read or understand writings that the common man could easily grasp several generations ago. However, I do not want to convey an unalterably terminal prognosis.

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