All-out War: Deep State vs. Trump
From the print edition of The New American
All-out war! That’s what Rob Reiner, the actor-director and inveterate left-wing activist, called for in a June 25, 2016 tweet that charged Candidate Donald Trump with “#Treason.” An avowed Hillary supporter, Reiner recycled Hillary’s accusations that Trump had colluded with Russia. Charging Trump with “colluding with the enemy,” Reiner (better known as “Meathead” from All in the Family) declared that “the fight to save Democracy is now an all out war.” He was not alone, of course, among the Tinsel Town glitterati calling for Trump’s head. “Comedienne” Kathy Griffin infamously served up a bloody severed head of President Trump as “performance art,” while actors in “Shakespeare in the Park” engaged in a stabbing blood-orgy, assassinated a Trump look-alike. Robert DeNiro, Johnny Depp, Madonna, Sarah Silverman, Rosie O’Donnell, George Lopez, Joss Whedon, Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, and dozens of other Hollywood denizens have publicly threatened violence, fantasized violence, and/or verbally assaulted the president with X-rated vulgarities.
But the Hollywood Left is only a fraction of the organized All-Out-War-On-Trump forces. Like the violent, masked Antifa rioters who carry banners declaring “This Is WAR!” and “Kill Trump,” the Hollywood Left savagely attacks Trump for the “America First” and “Drain the Swamp” agendas he espouses. They may be the most openly vicious, vocal, visible attackers, but they are not the most important. They are supporting actors in an unfolding drama entitled “Deep State Coup: How the Globalist Insiders Intend to Remove President Trump, By Any Means Necessary.”
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