Constitution Party Candidate Asks Pro-life Groups for Help Defeating Democrats in November
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Constitution Party’s presidential candidate has issued an open letter to various pro-life leaders and groups.

Randall Terry is asking for their help to finance his campaign ads which, surprisingly, do not ask voters to support him. Instead, they display images of aborted babies to convince people not to vote for Kamala Harris. “A vote for Kamala is a vote for murdered babies,” Terry says.

He is taking advantage of a law that prevents federally licensed TV and radio networks from censoring or editing political campaign commercials of presidential candidates. As long as a campaign pays standard advertising rates, its message must be broadcast.

The Terry campaign has produced a number of ads, available to view on his website at His letter, also signed by his running mate, Pastor Stephen Broden, reads in part:

We’re doing something nationally that no one has done before: showing the victims of abortion…murdered babies. Because we are Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, our TV ads run uncensored on federally licensed TV and radio stations nationally – at the lowest prices…. Moreover, I (Pastor Broden) have been on national TV, exposing black genocide with words and images that no one has ever previously used. (See My Ad … “Democrats Reunite with the KKK.”) 

Pro-life organizations have rightly bemoaned the fact that the media hides the truth about abortion. This censorship and bias is well documented. We are overcoming that censorship right now with uncensored TV ads. This is not a protest in the street holding signs (which we do); this is not a banner over a bridge (which we also do); this is not another pro-life presentation in a Church, “preaching to the choir” (which we do); these are TV ads showing the truth, reaching into tens of millions of homes – to men and women who have never been confronted with the truth. 

Our Campaign offers you, and the whole pro-life movement an incredible opportunity. We can show the truth, “speak truth to power,” AND call on voters to fear God and defend babies with their votes. We’re calling on Catholic and Black Democrats who traditionally vote Democrat to forsake the godless Democrat Party, because it is at war with children. We trust this is your agenda as well. 

Our mission is to: Defend Children, Defeat Kamala, and Destroy the Democrat Party. We’re committed to help defeat Kamala in such a way that does not hurt President Trump. We have been successful in this mission thus far. (The extensive media coverage we have received, as well as our ads make our goal clear.) 

Our campaign enables us (and you) to present the truth, unimpeded. As we have offered most of you, we now make that offer again to all of you: You can be on screen if you want, telling the truth. I (Randall) just need to say “I’m Randall Terry, and I approve this message.”

We have made political and broadcast history, showing the uncensored truth to tens of millions of Americans, urging them to repent of voting for child killers. And we have done it on a fraction of the budget that most pro-life groups spend on staff salaries.  

Even for those who wish to do so, this is something a Super PAC, a PAC, a 501-c 3, or a 501-c 4 cannot do. Some of you have PACs or Super PACs. As you know, you do not have unfettered and uncensored access to TV airways. But, your PAC or Super PAC can donate to us, and we can show the Truth. 

Catholic Vote recently tried to run a powerful TV ad on CBS saying Kamala supports transgender operations on kids. This is a true statement. But CBS rejected the ad. We, however, can run an ad like this, and even harder hitting, and CBS cannot cover up the truth and protect Kamala. They cannot deny us ad time… IF we can pay for it….

That is why we are reaching out to all of you. We need your help, and you need ours; help showing the truth as we all know it to be. (Randall here: I would not put my face and name on the screen if it was not required by FCC and FEC law. This is not about me, it’s about ending this holocaust.)

Abortion is on the Ballot in 10 states: Please help us. We’ve created TV ads to run in those ten states to try and stop the baby-killers from their murderous agenda. We’re calling on you to help us raise the funds to buy TV time to reach into those 10 states….

Pro-life Prisoners – our ad ran on The View. We released a TV ad honoring Pro-life prisoners languishing in Federal Prison, calling on voters to reject child-killing laws, and to refuse to vote for Kamala. We quote Christ, and give our Savior the place He rightly holds as “King of kings and Lord of lords.” …

There are many ways you can help raise money to run the ads right now. Please help us.

Sadly, we’ve heard the excuse that the “tax exempt, 501c3” status prohibits involvement in politics. This is a falsehood. We will leave the folly and treachery of this argument for another day. For now, it suffices to say that you can help us by simply interviewing one of us (as LifeSiteNews or The New American has done), by giving our ads visibility, sending out an email, talking about us on your social media, or inviting people to watch the new TV ad at Please let your supporters know that a TV ad exists to defend the pro-lifers who are sitting in prison. 

Our TV ads (against Kamala, or against one of the state ballots) are running on local TV in AZ, MO, NY, WI, MI, and FL. They are also running nationwide on The View, Jimmy Kimmel, and ABC World News Tonight. More “national ad buys” on other networks are coming. Babies will be saved because moms saw these ads. If we have the resources – with your help – we could help defeat baby-killers in state elections. Please seize this moment with us. Below are the links to “Democrats Reunite with the KKK” and “Pro-life Prisoners.”

We are asking for your aggressive help right away. Our Campaign is the only means to get this message out to tens of millions of voters without censorship. Social media won’t allow it; billboards and newspapers won’t allow it. Only TV will allow it, IF you are a federal candidate…as we are. And IF we have the money…for which we are asking your help.

In Christ, for His Babies,
Randall Terry and Pastor Stephen Broden
Constitution Party Candidates for President and Vice President

P.S. from Pastor Broden: I have two things to address: First, several people told me they will not work with Randall Terry. I urge you: put aside personality and look at the opportunity. Randall’s vision and tireless work have made this moment possible for all of us, including me, to be an unfettered voice for God and the babies being broadcast to the nation.

Second, as a black Pastor and Pro-life leader, I’m offended by ANY who refuse to help me run this ad. The pro-life movement has declared for years that “abortion is black genocide,” which it clearly is. The movement has also used this horrific truth to raise tens of millions of dollars, with virtually no impact on or reach into the black community. Now, by God’s grace, I can reach millions of black voters, saying “Abortion is Black Genocide!” and showing dead black babies in Detroit and Milwaukee and Philadelphia – and nationwide TV, as I did on ABC World News Tonight. I can call on my black brethren to stop voting for Democrats. Will you help me reach them with my ad, or will you just exploit “black genocide” for a fundraising ploy?

P.P.S. from Randall Terry: I know what it’s like to be in prison, and wonder if anybody cares. The ad we have created has already run on The View nationwide. We will run it on ABC World News Tonight at fantastic prices, but we need your help. Please, if nothing else, use your social media to drive people to this site, so we can raise the money to run ads on ABC National News and other networks.  

The letter, entitled “A Humble Plea for Your Help,” is addressed to:

Kristen Hawkins, Students for Life; Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life; Lila Rose, Live Action; Tony Perkins, Family Research Council; Frank Pavone, Priests for Life; Brian Burch, Catholic Vote; Ed Martin, Eagle Forum; Human Life International,  National Right to Life, and Human Life International

Related video:

Randall Terry: Constitution Party Candidate for President