ObamaCare Unraveled

ObamaCare Unraveled

The Affordable Care Act — ObamaCare — has supporters because it offers subsidies and increased access to Medicaid, but there are good reasons why even most Democrats vilify it. ...
Kurt Williamsen
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A great healthcare debate is happening in America over whether the healthcare system should be improved via tweaking ObamaCare — a methodology that the new GOP-designed healthcare plan, dubbed the American Health Care Act, seems to be following — or whether an entirely new system should be created. This is one of a series of five articles about how the healthcare system could be changed. The first article, "Healthcare: Which Fix Should We Follow?", explains the goals that a healthcare system should shoot to achieve and lists the four main types of reforms available to the country. The other four articles, including this one, give background and facts about each type of reform and how many goals it would secure. The other articles are entitled "Government-run Healthcare," "Does Single-payer Signal a Solution?" and "Free Market Healthcare Reform."

When ObamaCare was being debated, President Obama not only made a promise that, under ObamaCare, if you liked your doctor, you could keep him, but also that he would sign a “universal health care bill into law by the end of [his] first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

In that one short phrase, President Obama implied that under his plan, healthcare would be, because it was universal and cheap, accessible to everyone so that portability and serious illness were not issues, and it would at least continue the standard of care we were used to, through the ability to keep our doctors.

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