‘Squad’ Member Jamaal Bowman Loses Primary
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Jamaal Bowman

Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), lost his Democratic primary last night to Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Bowman, who is a progressive caucus member, is the first member of the “Squad” to be defeated in a bid for reelection.

The Associated Press called the race at 8:38 p.m. last night, declaring Latimer the winner. With 88 percent of the votes counted, Latimer had received 58.4 percent (44,371 votes), and Bowman 41.6 percent (31,555 votes).

During Bowman’s second term in Congress, he plead guilty to a misdemeanor count for triggering a fire alarm while the House was working to pass a funding bill on September 30, 2023. Bowman avoided being charged with felony obstruction of an official proceeding — charges more than 300 defendants are facing following the events of January 6, 2021.

In response to the primary results, Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) stated he would miss interacting with Bowman, stating on X, “I’m going to miss our informal chitchats in the hallways.”

Shortly before polls closed last night, Bowman claimed he was running against “AIPAC and their right-wing billionaires”, and posted a video on X: