RFK Jr. Super Bowl Campaign Ad Stirs Ire
Robert F. Kennedy Jr/X
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Did you see one of the most controversial ads aired during the Super Bowl Sunday night?

A campaign plug for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “elicited mixed reactions from viewers and sent ‘RFK Jr.’ skyrocketing on Google Trends,” says Fox News.

The video parodied an old 1960 television campaign ad, with the obvious intent to link RFK Jr. to his uncle, former President John F. Kennedy. It replaced JFK’s face with that of RFK Jr. and urged viewers to “vote independent.”

RFK Jr., who is running for president as an Independent, has pinned the ad to the top of his X feed, writing: “Our momentum is growing. It’s time for an Independent President to heal the divide in our country.”

However, his cousin, Bobby Shriver, took offense and posted his opposition:

My cousin’s Super Bowl ad used our uncle’s faces – and my Mother’s. She would be appalled by his deadly health care views. Respect for science, vaccines & health care equity were in her DNA. She strongly supported my health care work at @ONECampaign & @RED which he opposes.

Kennedy has apologized to his family, but claims he knew nothing about the ad prior to its airing. In response to Shriver, he posted this explanation:

I’m so sorry if that advertisement caused you pain. The ad was created and aired by the American Values Superpac without any involvement or approvals from my campaign. Federal rules prohibit Superpacs from consulting with me or my staff. I send you and your family my sincerest apologies. God bless you.”

It is unclear whether any other family members objected, but RFK Jr. also posted a general apology to “anyone in my family” adversely impacted by the ad.

I’m so sorry if the Super Bowl advertisement caused anyone in my family pain. The ad was created and aired by the American Values Super PAC without any involvement or approval from my campaign. FEC rules prohibit Super PACs from consulting with me or my staff. I love you all. God bless you.

According to Fox News, “American Values 2024 ran the 30-second ad for $7 million.”

Bobby Shriver is the son of the former president’s sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. RFK Jr. is the son of the former president’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., former U.S. attorney general and former Democratic U.S. senator from New York.