Kyrsten Sinema Not Running for Reelection
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Kyrsten Sinema

U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) announced on X today that she will not be running for reelection. In her announcement, she stated, “Because I choose civility, understanding, listening, working together to get stuff done, I will leave the Senate at the end of this year.” Representative Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) and Kari Lake are expected to be the Democrat and Republican candidates in the highly competitive state.

Gallego thanked Sinema, stating on X, “I want to thank @SenatorSinema for her nearly two decades of service to our state. Arizona, we are at a crossroads. Protecting abortion access, tackling housing affordability, securing our water supply, defending our democracy — all of this and more is on the line. It’s time Democrats, Independents, and Republicans come together and reject Kari Lake and her dangerous positions. For Arizona.”

Kari Lake responded to Sinema’s announcement, stating on X, “As a Journalist, I covered Kyrsten Sinema for many years. We may not agree on everything, but I know she shares my love for Arizona. Senator Sinema had the courage to stand tall against the Far-Left in defense of the filibuster — despite the overwhelming pressure from the radicals in her party like Ruben Gallego who called on her to burn it all down. Ruben Gallego would be a radical departure from the representation we have had in Arizona. He votes with Joe Biden 100% of the time, supported the Iran Deal, sanctuary cities, defunding the police, and voting rights for everyone pouring across the border. He even called the border wall ‘stupid.’ Arizonans will not be fooled by Gallego. I will be a voice for ALL Arizonans. I wish Senator Sinema the best in her next chapter.”