Israeli Media: IDF Had Prior Knowledge of October 7 Hamas Attack
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According to reports published by Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, Kan, and Israeli newspaper Haaretz, leaked Israel Defense Forces (IDF) intelligence documents allegedly confirm reports that the IDF had prior knowledge of the October 7 Hamas attack.

Kan announced the exclusive report on the IDF intelligence documents, stating on X, “Exclusive: The intelligence document that was distributed just two weeks before the October 7 massacre, and accurately described the raid plan on the Otef — including the number of civilians and soldiers that Hamas planned to kidnap The first publication of @SuleimanMas1 from #חדשותהערב”

Diplomatic Desk Reporter for Kan, Suleiman Masawadeh, stated on X, “The full disclosure: the intelligence document that was distributed only two weeks before October 7 and should have rung the bells of all the senior officials. An accurate description of what was done that Saturday, following close monitoring of exercises that Hamas carried out only weeks before the attack. The junior soldiers in the AMN and the Gaza Division saw and wrote everything — but were not addressed.”

Kan reports the IDF’s Gaza Division was aware of the imminent attack as early as September 19, stating the intelligence documents titled “Detailed End-to-End Raid Training” reported on Hamas commando training activity — conducting exercises on mock IDF outposts and kibbutzum, as well as Hamas plans to take between 200-250 hostages.

Haaretz alleges the documents confirm reports of a IDF non-commissioned officer claiming she informed her commanding officers of Hamas activity before the October 7 attack as early as July 2023. CBS News reported on their interview with the Israeli soldier in December 2023: