House Condemns Harris for Failing as Biden’s ‘Border Czar.’ Media Claims She Never Had Title
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Kamala Harris
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The leftist mainstream media is trying to hide the abysmal failure of Vice President Kamala Harris as “border czar,” the White House’s official designee to get the illegal-alien invasion at the southwest border under control.

Yet try as they might, the media can’t hide Harris’ non-attention to the border. Even some Democrats are fed up with her. 

Six of them voted today for GOP Representative Elise Stefanik’s resolution that condemned Harris for failing to do the job to which Biden assigned her.

The Resolution

Defying the media’s claims that Harris never was “border czar,” the resolution, with the usual list of “whereases,” notes that Harris didn’t bother visiting the border until 93 days after March 24, the day Biden put her in charge.

And instead of visiting the lower Rio Grande, ground zero for Biden’s “migrant” invasion, she went to El Paso.

The resolution cites the words of former Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz:

I’ve never had one conversation with the president [Biden] or the vice president [Harris], for that matter. I was the Chief of the Border Patrol, I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.

Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens hasn’t heard a peep from Harris.

The resolution also discloses just how badly Biden and Harris are seeking demographic change. Since the pair took office:

• Border agents have encountered almost 10 million illegals nationwide and more than 7.9 million at the southwest border.

• Some 2 million are gotaways; i.e., they slipped past border agents, more than gotaways in the last 10 years.

• In May, border agents encountered 170,732 illegals, a whopping “185 percent increase from the average May encounter total under President Trump.”

• May was the 39th consecutive month in which “monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump.”

The resolution also lists the victims of “migrant” murderers: Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungary, Rachel Morin. And in June, the resolution says, citing NBC News, 50 ISIS-linked individuals “were on the loose.”

The resolution says border agents stopped more than 350 illegals whose names are on the FBI’ terror watch list, and thus far in fiscal 2024, border agents have encountered 31,077 Communist Chinese nationals, a record.

Cost of the Biden “migrant” invasion: $150.7 billion annually. 

Biden has flown more than 400,000 illegals into the country, the resolution observes. 

Thus did the resolution condemn the dope-smoking Harris.

The vote was 220-196, with, again, six Democrats voting for the measure:

• Yadira Caraveo of Colorado

• Henry Cuellar of Texas

• Don Davis of North Carolina

• Jared Golden of Maine

• Mary Sattler Peltola of Arkansas

• Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington 

Of course, in appointing Harris, that was never President Joe Biden’s intent. Giving Harris the special portfolio gave the appearance of Biden’s “doing something” about the invasion he invited.

Media Lies

For the last few days or so, the media have tried to claim that Harris was not the “border czar.”

A particularly egregious example of airbrushing Harris’ failure came from Axios.

“In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the ‘border czar’ title — which she never actually had,” the website reported:

“Harris was appointed ‘border czar’ in March of 2021, and since that time, millions and millions of illegal aliens have invaded our country and countless Americans have been killed by migrant crime because of her willful demolition of American borders and laws,” Trump told reporters on a call on Tuesday.

House GOP Chair Elise Stefanik introduced a resolution condemning the administration and its “Border Czar” for failing to secure the U.S.

Harris supporters have rushed to her defense. “She assumed the role that Vice President Biden had during the Obama administration, which is diplomacy with Central America,” former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told Fox News on Tuesday. “She is not the border czar.”

But Axios itself reported that Harris was indeed the “border czar,” which it confessed in what one X user called Soviet revisionism: “Editor’s note: This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ in 2021.”

Indeed, when Axios posted its Harris-wasn’t-border-czar story to X, it received a Readers Note with links to three articles in which it called her border czar.

“This you?” X user Catturd asked over a screenshot of an Axios article from 2021.

Reported Fox News, “CNN had a similarly drastic change of heart. CNN correspondent Ed Lavandera and CNN commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin both referred to Harris as the “border czar” in 2021 and 2023, respectively.”

But, the hate-Trump network is backpedaling:

“The Biden team didn’t declare her the border czar,” CNN’s Kasie Hunt said Wednesday morning. “They wanted her to work on kind of the root causes of immigration.”

“What [former President Trump] said about Harris and immigration was not true. She was never appointed border czar,” fellow CNN anchor John Berman also said Wednesday.

ABC and CBS said the same thing, Fox noted, falsely claiming that “border czar” was a title that Republicans gave her.

Time magazine pulled the same stunt, Fox reported. NPR, the nation’s taxpayer-subsidized leftist propaganda organ, claimed that conservative “made up the inaccurate term ‘border czar,’” despite the media’s liberally using the term. 

The Washington Post and New York Times similarly claimed that Harris never had the border-immigration portfolio.

So also did House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York.

H/T: Breitbart