GOP Rep. Gonzales Narrowly Wins Primary Runoff
AP Images
Tony Gonzales

Representative Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) won the GOP primary runoff last night for Texas’ 23rd congressional district by 1.4 percent (407 votes). The Associated Press called the race at 12:05 a.m., declaring Gonzales the winner. With 99 percent of votes counted, Gonzales had received 50.7 percent (15,023 votes), and his opponent, Brandon Herrera, received 49.3 percent (14,616 votes).

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) commented on the amount of money Gonzales spent on his campaign, stating on X:

Gun Owners of America, which endorsed Herrera, criticized Gonzales’ policy on gun control, stating on X:

In a statement posted on X after the polls closed last night, Herrera thanked his supporters and commented on the amount of money the Washington establishment spent on Gonzales’ primary campaign:

Polls have closed. Now that polls have closed and before results come in, let me make a statement directly from my heart. No political motive, no bias, just me. Thank you. Thank you to every single person who has supported us, who volunteered for us, who donated to the campaign. All of you. I’m not just parroting a useless platitude when I say I couldn’t have done this without you. We did an amazing thing. We looked down the biggest guns of the DC establishment to the tune of probably over $10 million, and told them they didn’t own us. We made them fight for their lives. Thank you to my friends, family, everyone who didn’t give up on me or this mission. No matter how this goes, know that I appreciate you. I love you all ❤️

AIPAC congratulated Gonzales, and accused Herrera of being anti-Israel, stating on X: