Bolivian General Arrested After Failed Coup Attempt
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Gen. Juan Jose Zuniga

General Juan José Zúñiga was arrested on live television after a failed attempt to seize control of the Bolivian government yesterday. Bolivian President Luis Arce thanked the thousands of Bolivian people who arrived at Plaza Murillo to protest the coup attempt, stating on X:

We greet and express our most sincere gratitude to our social organizations and to all the Bolivian people, who took to the streets and expressed themselves through different media, expressing their rejection of the coup attempt, which all it does is damage the image of Bolivian democracy at the international level and generate unnecessary uncertainty at times when Bolivians need to work to move the country forward. Democracy will always win! Thank you very much Bolivian people!

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro also took to X to express support for Arce and condemn Zúñiga’s actions:

From Venezuela we denounce and strongly reject the attempted coup against Bolivian democracy; forces that have betrayed their oath of loyalty lay siege to the Presidential Palace in La Paz. They always try to follow that path of coup, destabilization and chaos, for fascists and extremists to come to power. I call on the people of Bolivia to defend democracy and its president Luis Arce Catacora. Only the people save the people! We … strongly condemn the fascism that seeks to break the legitimate democracy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. NO to Fascism, NO to Coup! We declare ourselves in emergency and permanent action in support of the people of Bolivia.

And former President of Bolivia Evo Morales called for all involved with the Zúñiga coup attempt to be prosecuted:

We appreciate all the expressions of solidarity and support for Bolivian democracy expressed by presidents, political and social leaders of the world. We are convinced that democracy is the only way to resolve any difference and that institutions and the rule of law must be respected. We reiterate the call for all those involved in this riot to be arrested and tried.